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    JetFlight Aviation Services provides global flight support to the aviation Industry by obtaining over-flying and landing permits, arranging handling and fuel in the U.S.A, South America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and the Far East.

    Out Hits:  2524,   Rating:    , Votes:   Rate It
  • Hawker Pacific Sydney
    Welcome to Hawker Pacific Flight Centre, Sydney’s premier Fixed Base Operator (FBO). Located at Sydney International Airport, inside our site you will find everything you need to make visiting Sydney by private aircraft easy. The Crew Services section outlines everything the crew may need from finding us on the airport to identifying fuel suppliers and booking slots to obtaining technical support. For the VIP we offer a comfortable lounge area, conference room facilities, ramp access for limousines and much more. Our friendly staff are available 24 hours per day, seven days a week; our core business hours are Monday to Friday 0800-1700. To make a booking, simply call us on +61 2 9693 2591 or use our on line booking form.

    Out Hits:  2510,   Rating:  9.3  , Votes:3   Rate It
  • Flight Support Maldives Pvt Ltd
    We specialise in providing first class station management, representation and supervisory services to any airline or aircraft operator flying to any Maldivian airport - whether the nature of your flight be Scheduled or Charter - Passenger, Private or Cargo. Owned and managed by Maldivain aviation professionals with over 7 years combined experience in all areas of airline and aircraft operations and management we are pleased to be of service to your requirements. We are experienced in all types of flight operations, including Scheduled Carriers, Commercial Charter, Private / VIP, Cargo, Air Ambulance and Military flights. Flight Support Maldives can provide full station management and flight support services to your airline: We can provide everything you need whilst operating to Maldives - whether you are a scheduled carrier or purely operating an ad-hoc charter flight. We are fully licenced by the Maldivian Civil Aviation Administration. Flight Support Maldives - HQ M.Snow Flex, 1st Floor, 20276 Asaree Hingun, Male\' Republic of Maldives Tel: +960 330 0766 Fax: +960 330 0488 24hr Ops: +960 790 7766 Airport Ops +960 779 6776 email: 24h@fsmaldives.com web: www.fsmaldives.com

    Out Hits:  2493,   Rating:  10  , Votes:3   Rate It
  • Sacramento Airport FBO
    McClellan Jet Services is a World-Class FBO located just miles from the State Capital - the Premier Northern California Sacramento Airport FBO for Corporate or General Aviation.

    Out Hits:  2492,   Rating:    , Votes:   Rate It
  • Aerotech Aviation India Pvt. Ltd.
    We can help you secure Overflight Permits, Landing permits, Traffic Rights, Ground Handling in India. We also provide Cargo for your empty legs.

    Out Hits:  2482,   Rating:    , Votes:   Rate It
  • Ocean Sky
    24/7 ground support at Prestwick, Scotland (EGPK/PIK). Handling - Fuel - GPU - Transport - Hotac - Airprot Charge collection - Immigration/customs - H24 - Airside VIP Lounge - Free Wireless Broadband - Free Cellphone Loan - Flight planning Slot Navigation - Weather Breif - Notam Service

    Out Hits:  2467,   Rating:    , Votes:   Rate It
  • Triangle Aviation
    Full Service FBO, Aircraft parking, Hangars, Passenger terminal and lounge, Flight training, Aircraft rental, Maintenance, Aircraft Sales, Pilot Supplies, Aircraft Charter

    Out Hits:  2461,   Rating:    , Votes:   Rate It
    FBO and Handling at SACO airport is the comprehensive ground assistance COR JET SUPPORT provides to our flight crew and aircraft at departure and upon arrival. The service you receive begins with a warm welcome in our airport facilities. We then take charge of your baggage, facilitate immigration formalities and keep you informed of flight conditions. Prior to your return, we prepare everyithing you will need for your trip waiting.

    Out Hits:  2454,   Rating:  8.5  , Votes:2   Rate It
  • General Aviation Maastricht
    GAM is a young and dynamic organization focused on General Aviation. Our team consists of 5 people who are all eager to please you and hope to serve you at the highest possible level. Nothing is impossible, only more challenging to accomplish. Our core business is Shell fuelling service next to offering a variety of GA facilities like hangar space up to Fokker 100; a crew lounge with flight planning and meteo info; crew lounge and office services; aircraft cleaning station etc.

    Out Hits:  2429,   Rating:    , Votes:   Rate It
  • Royal Pacific Maintenance
    Full service aircraft maintenance and parts facility and Cessna service center located at the Victoria International airport,Victoria BC Canada

    Out Hits:  2328,   Rating:    , Votes:   Rate It
  • Amadeus Maldives
    Provides Full Flight Support Services in Maldives and World wide...

    Out Hits:  2325,   Rating:  9  , Votes:1   Rate It
  • Stars Airlines Services
    Permit and ovfl request , ground support , liaise with third parties, flight ops, weather, fellow up and supervision at all tunisian airports

    Out Hits:  2253,   Rating:    , Votes:   Rate It
  • Guardian Aerospace Holdings Inc
    We are the premier providers of flight charters, flight training, aircraft maintenance, aircraft structural repair and welding and fabricating in Northern BC, Canada.

    Out Hits:  2250,   Rating:    , Votes:   Rate It
  • Aviation Life Raft Rental
    Save money and time by cutting hours off over water flight times. FBO Logistics rents and sells life rafts, life vests and survival equipment, mandated by the FAA for all Part 135 Operators.

    Out Hits:  2201,   Rating:    , Votes:   Rate It
  • AG AEROservices
    We are a FBO, that provides Ground Handling Services, Services to Passenger, Cargo handling, administration and representation; in Paraguay. To all types of aircraft, private, commercial or official; of passenger and/or cargo. Contact Information: Website: www.agaeroservices.com E-mail: info@agaeroservices.com Phone/FAX: +59521 654394 Movil: +595982 705820 (24H) Movil: +595981 896784 (English 24H) SILVIO PETTIROSSI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ASUNCION - PARAGUAY ICAO: SGAS - IATA: ASU

    Out Hits:  2193,   Rating:  10  , Votes:2   Rate It
    Aircraft Ground Handling in any Americas Airport. Also Landing Permission and Overflights Permits worldwide basis. Reasonable Rates & credit terms.Call or meial as 24/7/365...

    Out Hits:  2135,   Rating:  7.2  , Votes:4   Rate It
  • Air Taxis Handling
    Air Taxis Handling is based in Málaga Airport and offers handling services, air taxi services and private jets.

    Out Hits:  2033,   Rating:  4  , Votes:1   Rate It
  • Meridian Fixed Base Operators
    Meridian Air Charter is the premier Fixed Base Operator (FBO)Air Terminal in Tereboro NJ providing full services twenty-four hours a day, seven days per week.

    Out Hits:  2025,   Rating:    , Votes:   Rate It

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