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  • Cotswold Gliding Club
    - located at the Aston Down airfield. Site includes information about club membership, trial lessons, and holiday courses.

    Out Hits:  6277,   Rating:  0  , Votes:0   Rate It
  • Arizona Soaring Inc.
    - soaring and instruction 365 days a year. New students through experienced pilots welcome.

    Out Hits:  5657,   Rating:  5  , Votes:1   Rate It
  • Kent Gliding Club
    - courses and events for members of all ages.

    Out Hits:  5432,   Rating:  0  , Votes:0   Rate It
  • Sky Sailing
    - glider rides, rentals and instruction; lessons; handicapped training and airshows.

    Out Hits:  4738,   Rating:  0  , Votes:0   Rate It

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