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  • Your Captain Speaking
    Wisdom with humor through the eyes of the fearless aviator.

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  • Daisy Mae Biplane
    How to design and build your own experimental aircraft. I also offer plans and an info pack for my biplane

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  • CloudDancer's Alaskan Chronicles
    E-Tail outlet for the (so far) Three Volume "CloudDancer's Alaskan Chronicles" book series. Two humor and one drama book(S) recounting the adventures of CloudDancer's two decades as a bush pilot in arctic Alaska starting in the early 1970's at age 19.

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  • "Ramp Rat"
    From Boeing business jets to Cessna training aircraft. From stolen aircraft to near naked women. Come in for a landing and experience drug busts, aircraft crashes, riots, crazy weather, and an occasional normal day at Miami's busiest general aviation airport.

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    Aviones y helicopteros.Ftos y datos tecnicos.Arte y publicidad aeronautica.La mujer en la aeronautica.Analisis de accidentes aereos.Historia y desarrollo aeronautico.Alas volantes.Autogiros.Malvinas.Aerodinamica.

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  • BCo
    - aviation books, videos, and goodies.

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