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  • ATCsimulator2 Official Site  POPULAR  FEATURED SITE
    The #1 selling air traffic control simulation for the PC. Features 120 terminal approach control facilities with traffic captured from the FAA flight computer system. Also includes multiplayer connectivity to Microsoft Flight Simulator 98 through 2004. Includes flight strip and custom map printing capabilities. Also includes a random traffic generator. Microsoft Speech recognition engine 4.0a is supported for the ultimate air traffic cotnrol experience....and much much more.

    Out Hits:  10145,   Rating:  5.5  , Votes:6   Rate It
  • Air Traffic Control Simulator  POPULAR
    - Discover the world of air traffic control and try free online simulations done with Flash. Those simulations are infinite for you can change the aircraft database inside notepad!

    Out Hits:  9916,   Rating:  8.2  , Votes:5   Rate It
  • HowStuffWorks: How Air Traffic Control Works  POPULAR
    - Fully illustrated tutorial examines air traffic control in the United States. Follow a flight from departure to arrival, looking at the various controllers involved, what each one does, the equipment they use and how they are trained.

    Out Hits:  7729,   Rating:  0  , Votes:0   Rate It
  • Chicago O'Hare TRACON: air traffic control  POPULAR
    - Information on the National Air Traffic Controllers Association of the Chicago TRACON. Local and global air traffic control news, information, and links.

    Out Hits:  7296,   Rating:  1  , Votes:1   Rate It
  • Air Traffic Management
    - Air Traffic Management is an international magazine dedicated to the management of air traffic and written for senior air traffic authority personnel, airlines and industry bodies.

    Out Hits:  6502,   Rating:  0  , Votes:0   Rate It
  • ATC Network
    Just a quick one to say that the new ATC Network is online. The whole website has been updated and is vastly improved. Still completely free to access http://www.atc-network.com

    Out Hits:  5469,   Rating:  10  , Votes:1   Rate It
  • Intelcan
    - Supplier of air traffic management solutions.

    Out Hits:  5463,   Rating:  10  , Votes:1   Rate It
  • Jacek Personal ATC Site
    - Jacek Niewolny air traffic controller - Poznan Poland - tower, approach Flight Simulator, Tracon - files photo gallery

    Out Hits:  5092,   Rating:  9  , Votes:1   Rate It
  • Eurocontrol Experimental Centre
    - The Experimental Centre carries out ATM R&D in order to improve Air Traffic Management in Europe. Areas of interest include: safety, simulations, research.

    Out Hits:  5086,   Rating:  0  , Votes:0   Rate It
  • C.N.S. Systems
    - Supplier and competence centre of Communication, Navigation and Surveillance Systems

    Out Hits:  5037,   Rating:  9  , Votes:1   Rate It
  • Advanced Navigation and Positioning Corp.
    - The TLS (Transponder Landing System) is an ILS like, ground-based aircraft landing system. The TLS uses the on-board transponder and ILS receiver to supply CAT-1 approach guidance to the pilot.

    Out Hits:  4949,   Rating:  5  , Votes:1   Rate It
  • The Air Traffic Control Network
    - Initiated to help promote and further develop Air Traffic Control knowledge exchange by providing a global meetingplace, information source and communication system.

    Out Hits:  4623,   Rating:  5.5  , Votes:2   Rate It
  • Simulated Sky - ISENA Air Traffic Control Simulators
    Interactive air traffic control simulators. New generation of basic and advanced ATC simulator training software featuring feed-back, stand-alone module and many advanced training tools

    Out Hits:  4493,   Rating:  1  , Votes:1   Rate It
  • Team avionics
    - Team is a designer and manufacturer of intercommunication systems for commercial and military aircraft

    Out Hits:  3937,   Rating:  0  , Votes:0   Rate It

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