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Links :

  • Friends of Army Aviation
    - designed for military aviators. Please sign the guestbook form so that we may help locate other pilots.

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  • Fighter-Jets.de
    Fact sheets, pictures, links, recent Luftwaffe... (german language).

    Out Hits:  2947,   Rating:  10  , Votes:1   Rate It
  • The NavLog
    The NavLog posts news about military aviation, electronic warfare, weapons systems, and related topics. Also heavy on US Navy Patrol Aviation/P-3 aircraft.

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  • Warbirds
    Photos of historic military aircraft from around the world including the Spitfire, Hurricane, Bf-109, Ju-87, He-111, Ju-88, Lancaster, B-17, B-24, Dakota, Vampire, Vulcan, B-52, Victor, Marut, Su-7, MiG-21, etc.

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  • Marcos F/A-18 Hornet Homepage
    All about the F/A-18 Hornet: Descriptions, Pictures, Technical Details, Virtual Cockpit, Links.

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  • Wetton Aerodrome
    Covers the history of aviation and aerial combat from the beginnings of powered flight to the dawn of the jet age.

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  • Tarek's Airplane Page
    - dozens of pictures to download from NATO to East Block Forces.

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  • Sheeba Airbase
    - virtual institution designed for the modern military aircraft enthusiast.

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  • Milpilot.net
    Military pilot training and planning information. Also has pilot supplies and gouge for T6, T37, T1, and T38 aircraft

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