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- a complete avaition resource center for pilots and enthusiasts. Includes free ground school, avaition weather and flight planning as well as complete aircraft specification listings and history

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PilotJohn Aviation GSE
- Worldwide distributor and supplier of new and used aircraft ground support equipment for corporate flight departments, airlines, FBOs, and maintenance facilities.
We also buy your used and surplus GSE inventories. Trade-in your used GSE for new equipment!
We supply new and used aircraft ground support equipment including, aircraft ground power units, aircraft hydraulic power units, JETporter electric tugs, aircraft tugs, aircraft jacks, aircraft lavatory carts, aircraft potable water carts, aircraft towbars and heads, aircraft oxygen carts, aircraft nitrogen carts, aircraft oxygen regulators, aircraft nitrogen regulators, aviation oxygen booster, aviation nitrogen booster, and other new ground support equipment.

Out Hits: 2421,
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- Aviation related blog of an airline pilot sharing his own experiences and covering all the aviation news & industry.

Out Hits: 1991,
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Pilots -- Express Yourself With A Vanity E-Mail Address such as
- is a service that offers an airman like you a unique, vanity e-mail address such as or Your vanity e-mail address can be used in addition to, or as a replacement for, your regular e-mail address. forwards e-mails with your vanity e-mail address to your regular e-mail address.

Out Hits: 2225,
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Pilots Bookstore
- Aviation Books and Videos for pilots. Training, recreation, kits, Nav Charts, etc.

Out Hits: 2831,
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Pilots Center
- Online shop for pilots and aviation enthusiastic

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Pilots of Valor
- Pilots of Valor is a Central Florida Chapter of Pilots for Christ, International. We are a non-profit, Christan Aviation Organization that provides Mercy, Missionary, Evangelism, Outreach, Community flight, Mentoring Programs and Aviation based sevices

Out Hits: 2395,
Rating: 9 ,
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Pilots' Passion - Plane & Pilot Supplies
- We have airplane parts, books, manuals, student kits, maps, AvComm, David Clark, Telex headsets, intercoms, radios, flight bags, log books, gift & novelty items.

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- Articles, news, tutorials, discussion groups and other resources for pilots.

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PilotsHQ -Your One Stop Pilot Shop
- We carry a wide variety of products to suit your aviation needs, from pilot training materials to aviation headsets, we carry only the most popular lines; Telex, David Clark, Jeppesen, and more.

Out Hits: 3660,
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Pilotslog Podcast
- Pilotslog is a site for all who love to fly. I have many pictures from all my trips and a podcast to tell about the places I go and the people I meet... Check it out!!!

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- AirCraft Appraisals
On Line or On Site
Fast, reliable, professional service with over 13 years of aviation experience.

Out Hits: 2465,
Rating: 6.2 ,
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PinAir Tech Corp.
- We supply military & commercial aircraft parts, accessories and electronic components.

Out Hits: 2589,
Rating: 10 ,
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PKV - Calhoun Air Center BIG WHOOP FLY-IN
- December 12, 2009
* Cessna Aircraft Displays
* Ride on a B-25 at the event - more info below!
* FAA Medical Exams, Class II and III $75.00. Must schedule in advance, please call or email
* Special fuel pricing for one day only!
* Introductory flights $75.00
* Vintage aircraft
* Spot landing competition
* Flour bomb competition
* Live entertainment
* Live nativity scene
* Craft booths
* Food court
* Calhoun Air Center Coloring Contest
* Static aircraft displays
* FREE photos with Santa for the kids!
Gate Admission: non-perishable food contributions for Food Bank
Pilot Admission: new toys or monetary donations for Harbor Children's Alliance

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Plane Junkie
- Plane Junkie is THE place for those of you who love the world of Aviation. We share your love and passion for flight and the finest in Aviation Art, Collectibles, Apparel, and Models, money can buy.

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