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Carden Aircraft
- - Manufacturer of large scale RC aircraft kits and accessories.

Out Hits: 3530,
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Cargo Select
- - Information on the services and contacts. Specializing in trade shows, conventions and same day. [Requires Flash]

Out Hits: 3018,
Rating: 10 ,
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Caribbean Tours
- - offers air and land packages to the Caribbean and Bahamas.

Out Hits: 2420,
Rating: 0 ,
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Caribex Inc.
- - Commercial Aviation consulting offering ferry flights, business planning, feasiability studies, management software, aircraft training, route analysis, aviation certification.

Out Hits: 2894,
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Caricature Aircraft Pictures
- Looking for something different to give to that special avaition buff in your life? How about a personalised aircraft caricature painting with them at the controls?

Out Hits: 3435,
Rating: 8 ,
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Carleton Technologies Pneumatic
- - Spacecraft pneumatic components such as aerospace pneumatic valves and pneumatic actuators, also military aircraft pneumatic components.

Out Hits: 2214,
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Carolina Aeronautical
- - Offering A & P, fiber optics and FCC prep courses, testing and certification.

Out Hits: 5654,
Rating: 1 ,
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Carolinas Aviation Museum
- Largest Aviation Museum in the Carolinas - Almost 50 major aircraft, Harrier, F-4S, F-80, F-84, F-86, lots of helicopters, Piedmont Airlines DC-3, C-47, OV-1Ds, Aviation Library

Out Hits: 4573,
Rating: 6 ,
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Carp Industries
- - Supplying spare and production parts for avionics.

Out Hits: 3044,
Rating: 0 ,
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Carrier Air Wings
- A frequently updated list of Aircraft Carrier Locations.

Out Hits: 6606,
Rating: 8 ,
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Carrier Airborne Early Warning Internet Air Wing
- CAEW.INFO is my tribute to the troops, equipment and manufacturer personnel whose blood, sweat & tears created the mission and who made it the fabulously successful AWACS (Airbone Warning & Control Systems) that completely controls the modern battlefield.

Out Hits: 5173,
Rating: 9 ,
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