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  • Aviation of World War II
    Aviation of World War II. History of WWII Aircraft, New Facts, Comments...

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  • Sharptop Mountain Crash Site
    - Tribute to the crew of a B-25 bomber that crashed near Bedford VA in 1943. Recent pictures of crash scene and a history of event.

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  • Warbirds Stories
    - WWII aircraft and aces: a message board, aviation books, the story of a B-17, a quiz, and links.

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  • Mabel Rawlinson, WWII Pilot
    One of 38 women who died in World War II, flying as a pilot for the Army Air Corp WASP

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  • World War 2 Planes.com
    A site dedicated to the military aircrafts of the Second World War. Visitor can ee the World War 2 planes, read their specifications and share their knowledge.

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  • Beautiful Betsy - A B24 Liberator.
    A day early in the February of 1945 when the Beautiful Betsy an American B-24D Liberator would fly into World War Two history. Beautiful Betsy's whereabouts would remain a mystery for some fifty years until her discovery on a high, heavily forested mountainous plateau, Central Queensland, Australia in 1994.

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  • World War II and Adolf Hitler's Third Reich in the News
    World War II and Adolf Hitler's Third Reich in the News http://hitlernews.cloudworth.com/ A daily edited review of hand-picked Third Reich and World War Two related news and articles, providing thought-provoking collection of WW2 information.

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  • From Immigrant To US Marine
    Great story of gallantry, love of country and fight for freedom against communism and tyranny. Sound themes about freedom and justice. Dedicated to victims of communism.

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  • Diplom
    Kupit' diplom http://diplom.pp.ru Diplom lyubogo VUZa - 200 $

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  • Warpaint, LLC Vintage Aviation Gear and Photography
    WWII vintage aviation gear and warbird photography including unique Lucky Ladies nose art golf balls and t-shirts, original high quality warbird prints and collectible WWII aircraft models.

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  • Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base
    - History of Ardmore Army Air Field (1942-46)and Ardmore Air Force Base (1953-59). Units, commanders, memorial to crash victims, chronologic record of events, B-26, B-17, C-119, C-123, C-130 aircraft groups.

    Out Hits:  1943,   Rating:  9.3  , Votes:3   Rate It

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