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  • CDA Professional Pilot Training Acedemy
    A proud member of APFTS. Located in Daytona Beach Airport (class c) We offer Professional flight training from private to ATP. Our training fleet of 14 aircraft are available 7 days a week for flight training, rental or time building. CDA also offers on sight maintanece from minor repairs to magor overhauls.

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  • Jacksonville University
    Jacksonville University offers four-year degrees in Aviation Management & Flight Operations, and Aviation Management. JU has partnered with Delta Connection Academy, owned and operated by Delta Air Lines, to train and educate future airline pilots.

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  • Summit Aviation, LLC
    Summit Aviation specializes in advanced and begining mountain flying in addition to Private Pilot, Instrument Rating, Commercial, CFI, Tailwheel, Aerobatics and Glider Ratings. Summit has earned a reputation at Gallatin Field’s for it’s exceptional fixed-wing flight instruction. Our reputation is that of thoroughness, precision, and the ability to bring about in our clients a higher level of success than they themselves would have previously believed possible. Summit Aviation is well known locally for its safety and knowledgeable instructors. We make flying not only easy, but fun and have success with pilots who are stymied in their flight training due to fear, discouragement, or technical difficulties. And despite the stuffy, although necessary descriptions, we are confident you will be not only pleased with your decision to fly with us, but also will count us among your friends.

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  • High Alpine Air Services Inc. in Castlegar, B.C.
    Located in the West Kootnies, part of Beautiful Brish Columbia. We are a flight school that offers several types of schooling as well as some bonus options such as charters, scenic flights and rentals to those who have already succeded in achieving their goal to fly...here are some of the couces we offer: Recreational Pilot Permit; Private Pilot Licence; Commercial Pilot Licence; VFR-OTT Rating and Night Rating and more...

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  • Aviation Professionals Inc.
    The oldest flight school in Chicago. One of the largest pilot shops in the mid-west. FAA designated testing center. Our rates are competetive for the area.

    Out Hits:  3363,   Rating:  5.7  , Votes:3   Rate It
  • Denver Jet Center
    Home of the finest business jet service and facilities in the Denver area. Consistantly rated in the top 10 FBOs in the nation.

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  • Becker Helicopters
    Helicopter flight and theory school in Australia.PPL, CPL, mountain, sling loads and low flying. Using B47, H300, R22 and AS350 Squirrel. Helicopter books and videos

    Out Hits:  3258,   Rating:  1  , Votes:1   Rate It
  • Flight Training
    Accelerated, Guaranteed flat rate pricing, Frequent start dates, FAA Part 141/61 courses, self-examining authority on most 141 courses, including initial flight instructor. Key and Sallie Mae loans available, Approved for Veterans Benefits.

    Out Hits:  3246,   Rating:  10  , Votes:1   Rate It
  • Flying Start Aero
    Northern Nevada's premier flight training school.

    Out Hits:  3234,   Rating:  4  , Votes:3   Rate It
  • Sterling Flight Training by Malone Air, Inc.
    The Malones would like to welcome you to Sterling Flight Training. Family owned and operated, you will always be in contact with one of the owners.

    Out Hits:  3226,   Rating:  8.5  , Votes:2   Rate It
  • Western Air Flight Academy
    Western Air Flight Academy, Colorado, is a flight school providing pilot training, flying lessons, aviation instruction and pilot certification programs in Colorado, serving Denver, Boulder, Broomfield and the Front Range

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